Information for Carers

Are you are carer?

A carer looks after a family member, friend, partner or neighbour who needs support due to illness, disability or old age. The help carers give is unpaid, though you may still receive Carer’s Allowance or other benefits. You do not have to care full time to receive Carer’s Allowance or live with the person you care for to be a carer.

Caring for someone is an important and valuable role in the community. It is often a 24 hours a day job that can be very demanding and isolating for the carer. There are many different resources that can provide carers with more information.

The links below are from the website.

Benefits for carers

Financial support for people who care for others

Being a young carer: Your rights

If you are 18 or under and you care for someone, you are entitled to help and support.

Carers’ break and respite care

How you can take a break from caring for someone else.

Help for young carers

If you are aged 13 – 19 and you care for someone else, there are people who can support you.

Carers Assessments

See if you can get support from your council, such as extra money or a break from caring.